Tuesday 25 February 2014


My apology is sincere, I didn't know that so many people read my words.  I received a comment from a lady yesterday and thought I'd have a look at it and heaps of people check it out every day so I'm trying to redeem myself today.

Lots to tell you starting with the fact that this time last year we were in Tasmania.  After we teamed up with Andre and Paula we had a heap of laughs, it was good for the men and they bonded over fishing.

While we were away our house was sold and Beth, Louisa and James packed everything up, moving stuff into Beth and Louisa's garages.  We have a beautiful 12 seater solid wood table with 8 chairs if anyone is interested.

We spent a few nights on Beth's verge then moved to a caravan park for a few weeks.  We then went to our friends place in Pickering Brook.  During this time we decided that since we were living in the caravan full time we needed a bigger one and ordered a Supreme Spirit LEX.  Its the one with white cupboards and the shower and toilet are between the kitchen and bed.  I didn't like our previous van where you could sit on the toilet and talk to anyone through the door.

We took the new van at the beginning of November while we were looking after Andrew's parent's place in Coolup which is south of Mandurah.  We've had a few issues, mainly with the warranty people at the dealer but I won't bore you with that.  I just get so annoyed that these people have no empathy for this customer.

Chris and Yvonne go overseas in the middle of March so we'll move into the house.  They return at the end of April and then we're away.

The 'plan' is to go North so that we can go across the top during May, June, July and August.  We were told the best time is to go when there's no 'R' in the month.  Our son-in-law's brother is in Darwin and whilst I'm not bothered about going there Steve wants to so we'll catch up with Scott and his family, especially as Scott used to work for Steve.

So this is just a little update of where we are now.  Its hot here in Perth and I have reading to do.  I just finished Julie A Richman's Needing Moore Series.  They are fantastic, made me smile and cry at the same time.  She's a hellagood writer and I now have to wait until she finishes another offshoot she's working on.

Seeing as I'm almost in writing mode I may have a go at updating on a more regular basis.

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