Wednesday 28 May 2014

more to say

25 May 2014

Because we wanted to charge everything up and fill up with water we spent 4 days at Big4 in Carnarvon.  They had a special which was 4 nights but pay for 3.  I should have done it on the internet because it would have cost $114.00 I think and because I booked it in the office we had to pay $120.00 but we loaded everything up and it was here that Steve broke his very expensive reclining chair.  Personally I don’t like them, as I can’t get them to recline with being short.  He decided to make the broken one into a bed for Timmy and that took him 2 days.  Timmy hopped on as soon as it was finished but I think he prefers to lay on the ground.

Our Cystic Fibrosis hoodies arrived on Friday, they’re going to be warm and also to do with C.F. we had some stickers done for the caravan.  The large one on the previous caravan was originally priced at $600.00.  The guy who actually did it in Mandurah charged only $100.00 because his niece has C.F. 

We have 2 on this new caravan, one at the front and one at the back and they cost $205.00.  Not happy Jan.  I don’t mind putting money into the country people pockets but this guy really saw us coming.  I should have told him not to bother especially as someone on the Caravaners Forum said he’d do them for $50.00 all up.  We just fannied and farted around and should have got ourselves into gear and got them before we left Perth.  They’re done now, they could look better and I think I’ll see if I can get some roses for down the sides of the van.  It doesn’t have much in the artwork line.

We’re at Lyndon River (West) on the Minilya-Exmouth Road.  We pulled in yesterday and are staying tonight as well while Steve rests his back.  Its so bad that I got up at 6.00am this morning to take Timmy for a wee walk.  I was gone for 15 minutes.  Then I got back into bed and we didn’t wake up until 10.00am.  I haven’t been up at that time for years but the poor lad is in great pain.  I’m ministering to all of his needs, he’s looked after me often enough and its payback time.

I’ve read some brilliant books recently: 

The Consequences series by Aleatha Romig has just gotten better with each book.  

Jodie Ellen Malpas has written the This Man series, loved each one.

Tara Sivec changes the content like the wind.  She’s done series stuff and the most hilarious Chocolate series.

DD Lorenzo’s ‘Depth of Emotion’ gave me something to think about.

Janet Elizabeth Henderson is an easy read, I’ve read two of hers and I’m waiting for one called ‘Goody Two Shoes’ I think its called.

Christina Lauren is two ladies and their Beautiful Bastard series is really good.  They’ve just released ‘Sweet Filthy Boy’, I wasn’t too sure about the title but the book is lovely.

I have to mention Julia A Richman who wrote the ‘Searching for Moore’ books.  I sent Julie a message telling her how much I appreciated that her books aren’t about college girls and their problems.  Julie’s books are for grown ups and if you read them you will smile, laugh and then cry.  Then there’s a bit of shouting.  There’s an offshoot coming and I know I’m not the only one waiting for it.

J.L. Berg has done the Ready series and there’s another one coming out soon.

K Bromberg also gets a word because of her Driven trilogy.  Who can forget this?

Mimi Strong introduced me to Peaches Munroe, I love this girl.  She’s not slim and sylph-like, she’s just gorgeous and the books about her life enthralled me.

‘Hey there Delilah’ is written by Andria Large and M.D. Saperstein

I’m not giving the content of these books, I think they’re all really good reads, have a look on Amazon to get the opinion of other readers.  I’ve left mine on some of them but I don’t see the point of almost rewriting the book which is what some of the reviewers do so my comments are short and to the point.

 I type up this blog into a Word document then upload it when we have internet cover so please bear that in mind when you're reading it.

A bit further

Steve has been hysterically funny these past few days; we were enjoying the sunshine and two old guys and their wives pulled in.  The boys got out and moseyed on over to us.  They stood back looking at the car and caravan and asked was it a 24 footer so we said yes and one of them asked did the car pull it.  Steve told me later he wanted to say that Timmy had started out as a husky with great pulling power and had shrunk because he’d done such a good job getting the caravan so far but at the time he was very polite and said yes, there were no problems.  He heard them later still talking about us.

When we had the Jayco we had 2 solar panels fitted and we had 180 watts of power going into the battery.  The battery was always showing green which meant it was healthy.  When we got this new ‘van it came with 80 watts of power, we didn’t know how much or how little we would use but it seems that 80 is not enough.  By the end of the day the battery will be flashing red, which means it’s low so we’ve had to rethink our use of power.

I own up to using a lot of power charging up my iPad, which is what I’ve been using to read on. As well, I like to keep in touch with Louisa and Beth to find out how everyone is and I do this through Viber, which is a free program where you type and I can read it when we have Internet cover to catch up.

I swapped my Kindle with Yvonne for a gel nail polish kit; my nails are so soft that I find using gel polish protects them.  I wasn’t using the Kindle because most of the books I read are in iBooks and I couldn’t read them on the Kindle because they use different operating systems.  I charge up the iPad every couple of hours and the Kindle lasts for at least 4 weeks so we decided I’ll get another kindle and I found a program that converts books so that I can read them on the Kindle.

Louisa sent me a new Kindle along with the Cystic Fibrosis hoodies.  The Kindle  is charged and I’ve transferred the books into it.  I’m now able to read without always looking at the power that’s left because it should last approximately four weeks before it needs recharging.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Australia wide internet? I don't think so


We left Perth on Monday and spent the first night at Cliff Heads North or South then moved the next morning to Cliff Heads North or South.  This is the spot we usually go to and where Peter hangs out.  He’s an old guy who was there the second time we went.  I was a bit annoyed with him because I was looking at something in the ocean through the binoculars and he came and stood directly in front of me.  How rude is that?  He was telling Steve about the Dampier pipeline and other stuff and I went and sat down because I didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

I’m so over old people.

We had two nights there and then came to Yuna.  Doubtful we’ll stay here any length of time, as it seems there’s only one resident who lives in the tavern, which is up for sale.  He told Steve he’s living there so it doesn’t get trashed.  As if one old guy is going to make a difference.

Yes, I’m very negative today; don’t know why because I’m still taking the happy pills.

Poor Timmy is being walked to death; he’ll be a shadow of his former self by the time we get home. 

We have two televisions in this caravan and I was in bed yesterday at 6.30 reading because that TV wouldn’t tune in.  We’ve had a few problems since we picked up the caravan.  The most recent was no hot water.  It was barely luke warm but we didn’t want to complain because the warranty ladies aren’t very nice at the dealer.  No name and shame on this blog but the dealer is on Albany Highway at Maddington, opposite a primary school and close to Silver Chain.

I would recommend that people stay well away from this mob.  Before you sign up they’re great, afterwards their customer service is pitiful. Actually non-existent is more accurate.

Last night I felt we were going to be floating.  The rain was torrential and it was humid.  We have a shelf behind our heads when we’re in bed and when I lifted my ipad it dripped on me.  Water had come in through the front window, which doesn’t open.  Upon further investigation water has gotten into the front boot.

Steve’s walking around like Ivanhoe with his antenna for the iinet dongle.  If he can’t get a signal off that he’ll give the Telstra dongle a go.  If he can’t get one from either of them he may as well throw them in the river.

We moved to Galena Bridge this morning.  We’ve been here before, its where the black swans are.  We watched the cygnets for hours last time; some of them were little tinkers because they kept veering off from where the older ones wanted them to go.  It was quite amusing but then it doesn’t take much…

Looks like the dongles are going swimming and that means I can’t post this.  Not happy Jan or Telstra or Optus which is who iinet go through.  It annoys me, we pay nearly $200.00 a month for our phones and the internet, we had neither when we were at Chris and Yvonne’s place in Pickering Brook and that’s only 25 kms from Perth.  Every other block had cover; it’s just that their land is in a black spot.  We used their Internet whenever we went into the house but we didn’t want to be walking in as if we owned the place.  They never said anything and we know each other well enough that if they didn’t want us there they would have said.

I need the Internet because I have to know how our children and grandchildren are.  I remember Lee telling me I had to cut the apron strings to Louisa (and this was over 10 years ago) and I asked him why.  They’ll always be my babies and their babies are mine as well and if they’re not well, some of them have viruses this week, I want to know how they’re doing.

Ooh, you lucky people, we have cover.  I’m posting it quickly before the signal takes off.