Wednesday 30 May 2012


It's Wednesday the 30th May and we've settled into a caravan park at Kalbarri so that we can charge the electrics and fill the water tanks.

We're having two nights here and then we're going to start travelling towards home.  I'm feeling really bad because I can't walk anywhere because of the floppy foot. I had a little cry this morning because I feel guilty about not being able to do stuff with Steve and I did offer him his freedom (once we get home) but he said he didn't mind what he does for me and I have to stop feeling guilty and try to do a bit better with the foot.

We spent last night at Coronation Beach which is North of Geraldton.  There weren't many spots left when we got there and because Steve can manoeuvre the caravan anywhere he got it into a spot but it was  on an angle of about 45 degrees and I was walking cockeyed all night.

My posts are a bit out of order I'm afraid.  I did this on Sunday and haven't been on the computer since then because we didn't have any cover.


We're in GinGin as planned by Elle on Wheels along with Magicbob and his Child bride, Jane. What a great place Elle sent us to. We're having complimentary scones at 9.00 along with all the other campers and at night time we sit round a fire telling the tale and drinking. For our first experience I don't see how it could have been better. Already the plan has changed in that we're having another night here and we're going to try out the washing machine but we'll definitley be moving north tomorrow.

Apologies everyone, for being slack.  We’re on Day 3 and there are lots to report.  We had three nights at Willowbrook Farm in Gingin where we met some lovely people.  Two of them, Karen and her husband Peter had bought a few days before a retro van for $6000.00.  It weighs in at 600kg and is so cute, two single beds, a wardrobe, sink and small cooker.  It’s about 3 metres long.  When we got talking to them we were surprised to hear that in with the $6000.00 there was a 1989 Range Rover included and they rocked up at Willowbrook with their new rig.  They were a right laugh.

I’ve just broken off to have a laugh at three old couples reversing their rigs, how these people avoid accidents is beyond me.

We’re parked at Cliff Head North which is off Indian Ocean Drive,  south of Dongara and its 200 metres to the beach.  When we arrived, a cup of coffee ago, there were two other caravans here, one directly off the beach.  Now there are another two caravans and a motor home. 

Best not speak too loudly because there’s cliffs on two sides and conversations are clearly heard.

The three nights are Willowbrook were good for Steve.  He told me that as soon as he’d got everything set up and a beer in his hand his worries just disappeared.  We had geese coming to visit and there were a few little dogs running around.  We left Timmy at home with Jimmie because we wanted to go to the Pinnacles and dogs aren’t allowed.

In the Pinnacles there’s big signs saying no climbing and what do we see?  Foreign visitors standing on the tall ones having their photos taken.  I wanted to take my own photo of them and report them to the man at the gate but Steve wouldn’t let me.  I was a bit disappointed with the Pinnacles, I thought they’d be a stronger colour and more spread out but they’re interesting nevertheless.

We called in Cervantes and I had the most amazing  Garlic Battered Prawns.  10 of the beasties with chips and salad for $28.00.  Far better than Ciccerellos.

We had complimentary scones on Sunday at Willowbrook Farm and I took the Cystic Fibrosis stuff to try to raise awareness.  A couple of people bought pens and a guy gave a $10.00 donation so I gave him two wristbands.

My hips are going great, my feet are the size of footballs (AFL).  I have to get my shoes on early in the morning before they swell or I’m without shoes for the day.

We have photographs but they're on the camera and Steve forgot the lead to transfer them.

Friday 18 May 2012

That's another surgery out of the way.   No epidural this time as it's been decided it was that which caused damage to my sciatic nerve.  I'm home now after 5 nights in hospital.  Such a difference from the first hip replacement.  There is pain at the wound site and in the muscles but its bearable and I'm able to get through the night.

Last time I got only 15 minutes sleep from each hour because of the foot drop.  I was cranky and depressed and upset when any noise woke me up and took it out on Steve which really was wrong.  Poor guy does everything for me, changes dressings, rubs in cream, washes bits I can't reach, then dries them.  He's one in a million and means everything to me.

When I was in Hollywood hospital I went to the physiotherapy class and I could hardly believe it when I saw all these old men wearing socks and thongs on their feet.  I cannot see how it's safe to wear thongs when you have just had surgery on your hips/legs.  I go barefoot because I can't grip anything with my left toes or even push my foot into shoes.  When we go out I wear socks because I still have to go in the wheelchair because my feet and legs are so swollen.  I'm so not into this getting old lark.

I met a lady called Amy (not her real name and if you ask me about her I won't know who you're talking about) who had also had a hip replacement.  She's 10 years older than me and we had a good ole laugh.  It you can find something to laugh at it does make you feel better but Amy's finding it difficult because her operated leg is now 1.5cms shorter than her other leg.  She can stand up and swing the leg and it doesn't touch the ground, unlike mine which would have me falling onto my face.  She has to have her other knee done soon and understandably she's uncertain what to do.

Amy and John (also not his real name) have a caravan so I asked her to join us in Gingin on the 25th May.  Anyone can come.  I've booked us in and there were 13 other vans confirmed.  If you join us mention you're with The Forum and there should be a $2.00 discount.

                                     telephone 9575 7566

The 25th May is 65 Roses Day for Cystic Fibrosis.  We have the rear of the caravan drawing attention to C.F. and I hope we can also draw some money from purses/wallets etc.,  We have a full box of merchandise plus wrist bands.  We also have a receipt book for anyone who would like to make a donation.

CF Wrist Band

Red wrist band with embossed red rose and white writing "Cystic Fibrosis" "breathe life"

Tuesday 8 May 2012

I had a lovely surprise this afternoon.  One of the guys from the OzNomad forum called to wish me all the best for Thursday.  He's in Albany house-sitting and was going to come up to Pinjarra at the weekend for a party and then he was going to come to Hollywood Hospital to see me but he's not well enough.

Just chatting to him was good, he's going through a bad patch and I hope he can get back on track health wise and then caravan wise.

Steve and I would love to meet up with him and we'll see what we can arrange perhaps when the weather warms up.
I'm a very happy bunny today.  Because of the floppy foot and dodgy hip I'm entitled to money from Centrelink and at last a health care card so instead of my medication costing over $200.00 a month it'll be a lot less.

Still getting everything together:  joined the RAC, as a very wise lady on one of the forums says, its more a form of insurance than anything else.  Steve can usually work stuff out, especially in the early days when we bought a car and the manual to go with it but cars these days have bits you aren't allowed to touch so it's best to leave it to the experts.

You may know that our granddaughter, Paige, who's 8, has Cystic Fibrosis.  Because it's an incurable disease its an ongoing situation to raise funds to try to find, if not a cure, at least something to give the sufferers hope for the future.  With this in mind we've had this put on the back of the caravan:

We're hoping that people who are following us may decide to find out what it is and perhaps donate to the Association.  We're also carrying merchandise, leaflets, some recent copies of the Red magazine and wrist bands for sale.  I've been wearing a wrist band for almost two years so you can see they're good quality.  Think I might buy a new one, they're only $2.00.

For anyone who donates we can give an official receipt because the office in Perth has set us up with everything we need.

Steve is at Jimmies house, painting and fixing the kitchen so it can go on the market.  Then he'll be off to Louisa's house.  James is going to move in with us so he can look after Timmy when we're away and Louisa is building a house in Baldivis.

We want to get rid of both houses, we don't want the responsibility of them any more, never mind the expense.

I had to laugh at the lady from Centrelink who asked about our assets.  When I told her what the investment properties were worth and what we owed on them she said they couldn't be classes as assets!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Steve left work on the 18th April.  He'd been there for 23 years and one day.  There was a leaving do organised for him at Matilda Bay Restaurant where they presented him with a Waeco cooler thingy.  The staff at one of his sites had already given him a washing machine for the caravan and he was well pleased.  

With this in mind I decided we should try to save water and use the laundry balls I bought some time ago. They're brilliant because they're totally safe, don't need any softener and better still there's no rinsing involved.  Just do the washing then go straight to spin.   I'll be putting a link on soon which takes you to the site so that you can order some.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

A few things to do before we go

I'm having my right hip replaced on the 10th May. I had the left one done on the 12th January and had a spinal block. Unfortunately I was left with 'Foot drop' which means I can't lift my toes up, resulting in me not being able to walk properly. I have to lift my left leg up and plonk it down, if I don't my toes scrape on the floor and I end up on the floor. Not a good look. Because of this I'm now in a wheelchair because the pain in my right hip is so bad. I can't walk further than a few metres. The Littlies think it's great when they come out with us and the take turns sitting on my knee. Steve has got the caravan and truck loaded. We have an automatic washing machine which the staff at one of his sites bought him, also a Waeco cooler thing which is going to travel on the back seat of the truck. I think there's only food, clothing and fresh water to go in.
Sue whizzing around Masters looking for a Baby Q for the Caravan
she only lost 3 demerit points after running over a customer

Timmy looking depressed, being                                  Timmy with a smile on his face
left at home                                                                     now he is caravanning again