Tuesday 8 May 2012

I'm a very happy bunny today.  Because of the floppy foot and dodgy hip I'm entitled to money from Centrelink and at last a health care card so instead of my medication costing over $200.00 a month it'll be a lot less.

Still getting everything together:  joined the RAC, as a very wise lady on one of the forums says, its more a form of insurance than anything else.  Steve can usually work stuff out, especially in the early days when we bought a car and the manual to go with it but cars these days have bits you aren't allowed to touch so it's best to leave it to the experts.

You may know that our granddaughter, Paige, who's 8, has Cystic Fibrosis.  Because it's an incurable disease its an ongoing situation to raise funds to try to find, if not a cure, at least something to give the sufferers hope for the future.  With this in mind we've had this put on the back of the caravan:

We're hoping that people who are following us may decide to find out what it is and perhaps donate to the Association.  We're also carrying merchandise, leaflets, some recent copies of the Red magazine and wrist bands for sale.  I've been wearing a wrist band for almost two years so you can see they're good quality.  Think I might buy a new one, they're only $2.00.

For anyone who donates we can give an official receipt because the office in Perth has set us up with everything we need.

Steve is at Jimmies house, painting and fixing the kitchen so it can go on the market.  Then he'll be off to Louisa's house.  James is going to move in with us so he can look after Timmy when we're away and Louisa is building a house in Baldivis.

We want to get rid of both houses, we don't want the responsibility of them any more, never mind the expense.

I had to laugh at the lady from Centrelink who asked about our assets.  When I told her what the investment properties were worth and what we owed on them she said they couldn't be classes as assets!