Sunday 20 January 2013


I'm sinking into depression today, which reminds me that I haven't had my morning pills which does indeed include a Happy Pill (or mental as my daughters call it).  They say it takes 3 weeks for them to be out of your system but my family know within a few days if I've not had them.  I'm not nice when I don't take them.

No, the reason for my sadness today is that I've just calculated how much money comes out of our bank account to pay home loans, finance on vehicles, insurance including funeral plans for Steve and moi etc., etc.,

So, it's unlikely that we'll be staying in the Eastern States when we return to the mainland after visiting Tasmania.  Instead, we'll come home and get the house ready to be sold.  When we're not on the road we're going to live in the caravan either in Beth's back yard or we have some friends who have a lot of land in Pickering Brook and they've said we can go there.  And when we have money in the bank we'll start looking at Plan B with regards to seeing the rest of Australia.

If Beth and her family weren't moving in while their house is being built we could have had it on the market while we're away but I don't think it's fair to ask her to keep it looking nice when there's three kids, a dog and cat and Jimmie living here.

This is Lily, Louisa's daughter.  She used to be referred to as the demon child, I think you can see why!  However, we seem to have exorcised said demon and she's a delight now.

I downloaded the Fifty Shades Trilogy to Louisa's Kindle and a few weeks after reading them she surprised me by telling me she's pregnant with Harry who's due when we're in Tasmania.  For years they had problems conceiving, there was a couple of miscarriages and Matthew was born at 26 weeks and lived for only three hours so when she was pregnant with Lily (and then Adam) we were all anxious in case all was not well but everything was great.

So when we get home there'll be a new baby for me to cuddle.  I just love new babies.  When Adam and Beth's youngest daughter Sienna were babies they used to breast feed which ever baby needed it.  Beth is wondering if she should take some tablets to bring in her milk, she had gallons of the stuff with Sienna, then they can take turns feeding Harry.  Unfortunately I no longer have real bosoms or I'd be wanting to feed him as well, I breastfed all of mine and loved it.

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