Friday 18 January 2013

More ramblings

I'm so lucky with the people who look after me, starting with Steve who I really couldn't live without.  He does everything for me.

Saw Caroline, my dentist today.  I've been with her since 1990 and there is no way I'd ever go to anyone else.  She must have been quite young when I first met her because she's not that old now.  It takes us 45 minutes to get to her but she's well worth it.  Today she was taking the impression for the plate she's making me.  I had to cave in and let her remove one of my side teeth.  The damn thing had been rebuilt and repaired so many times, all because I wouldn't let her take it out because I didn't want to look like White Trailer Trash.  Well, I've done that for the last two weeks and I have another two before I'll be like Beth and have a one tooth plate.


Beth had to have the same tooth out and she's so funny with her plate.  She only wears it on special occasions, never in her house and she'll come here and take it out and leave it on the worktop.  Steve said I should try it for size and if it fit I could borrow it.  Caroline said to make sure I don't leave mine next to hers or we might try putting the wrong one in.  I suppose you had to be here to appreciate the humour.

Paige and Beth are in Princess Margaret Hospital so Paige can have a tuneup and learn some muscle building exercises so that she has more strength to put into her coughing.  The bathrooms have mould in them and mould is detrimental to Paige's health so they'll stay there for as short a period as possible and come here to do Hospital in the Home.  That means Gavin, the physiotherapist and Sam, the nurse will be coming to visit. There's others as well but they're my favourites as you'd expect.
Paige has a port so that when she has her massive doses of antibiotics they don't need to take her to theatre.  She also has a peg into her stomach so that she can have very high fat fluids introduced in an effort to put some weight on her.  Poor little soul has probably had more visits to the theatre than I have and I've had a few.  This week she also had a C.T. scan and other tests to see how the Cystic Fibrosis is going.  All the team know she's vegan now and the dietician says they can deal with it so it'll be interesting to see what they feed her.  Steve used to do up frozen meals for the people who stay with Paige overnight but there's no point in him doing it now because they've removed all the fridges in the rooms.

I had a lovely surprise earlier in the week.  My friend Sue Chook called me to thank me for the birthday wishes I'd sent her.  I can't forget her birthday because its on the same date as my dad's.  I didn't realise it was five years since we'd caught up but because she's computer savvy she called me again on Skype. She looks just the same, as does Frank, her husband.  They were in Bali when it was bombed but it doesn't stop them going back and they spent the new year there.

Chook was very supportive when I had breast cancer in 1998.  She came to see me nearly every day after the bosoms had been chopped off.  She always came at lunch time and would drape herself on my bed so she could watch The Bold and the Beautiful.  It got so that the lady, who was known as Cuddles, who brought the lunches round would bring her a plate of sandwiches.  Funnily enough when she left the hospital she went to work at the same place as Chook.  

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