Saturday 12 January 2013

Getting ready for Tassie

and we're hoping all the fires will be out by the time we get there.

I can't imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by fire, watching it and wondering if its going to come your way.  My heart goes out to everyone who's affected by fires, anywhere.

Our intention is to leave Perth on the 1st February.  We have appointments through January with my dentist, orthopaedic surgeon and Bob, our doctor and Steve also made an appointment with the physiotherapist people, just to make sure all is well.

Our pharmacy is putting together six months worth of medication for me, I had a heart attack in 2003, a month before Louisa's wedding and take medication to keep everything okay.  My cardiologist (who looks as if he should be playing rugby for Australia) doesn't know why I had the heart attack.  He tells me I'm unique but I already knew that.  I may have already written this, it seems familiar but I don't have the patience to read through what I've already written.

Oh, I broke my foot a few months ago.  The floppy one and this is  photo of Steve covering it in cling film so I can go in the shower.
He makes the joke that I've done nothing for the last 12 months and he's right.  He's fed and watered me and kept me clean and I'm forever telling him how important he is to me but he just laughs it off.

Mind you, since I read the Fifty Shades Trilogy and my libido came back with a vengeance he can't complain about his sex life, other than to say he's too tired (because he's looking after me).  It's like going round in a circle.

I had to stop working in February.  I loved my job, it was the most cruisey job I'd ever had.  I couldn't walk properly, still can't.  I spent most of 2012 in a wheelchair being pushed by Steve or Louisa and Beth, sometimes with small children sitting on my knee for the ride.

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